My Australian friend said that fashion was a kind of religion in Japan. Well, she was right. We are crazy about it.
Except fashion, major religion in Japan may be Shinto or Buddhism. I think Tenrikyo is a minor one. The Tenrikyo headquarters is in Tenri-city, Nara. Among Nara people, it is well known that the city is wealthier than other cities in Nara because of Tenrikyo. When I searched about the religion on the Internet, there were a lot of web-pages saying about it. Many people who believe in Tenrikyo are coming to Tenri-city from all over the world. I've finally found out the reason why Tenri-city is so rich.

"ようこそおかえり" means "welcome home." You can see a lot of signs saying that in Tenri-city. They think the city is home of all believer in Tenrikyo. There were really many signs like the photo, so I felt a little weird.
Tenrikyo has homepages in a lot of languages: