When I was a middle school student, I was on the naginata club. Naginata is a kind of martial arts. It looks like kendo, and the rules are almost same. The different thing between them is the length of arms. We use the arm called naginata, same as the name of the sport itself, and it is over two meters long. It is said that naginata is used by women for their own protection in the Edo era. I don't know that is the reason, but still the students who play naginata are mainly girls. Actually my club had only 2 boys out of 51 girls. Our coach and manager were also women.
Sadly, naginata is not a so popular sport. There were only a few schools which have the clubs in my home city. I have a little sad memory in my mind. When I entered high school, a new friend asked me if I had been on any clubs in my middle school, if so, what club it was.
"Yes, naginata club." I answered.
"Naginata...? kind of card game??" she said.
"What..??? card game..?????? Is she sure?"
After that, I explained one of sport "naginata" to her. This made me aware that naginata is much less popular than I had thought. Even Japanese, some of them don't know this sport.
further information about naginata : http://naginata.jp/eng/eng1.html
My junior in the club is having a match.
after-school practicing
1 件のコメント:
It is nice to read about a sport other than the usual ones mentioned. But it is sad if, as you say, naginata is dying out. It looks fascinating. Why did you choose to do it? I'd like to read more about your own experiences.